We’re excited to announce our new project which aims to reach many more children and families with life-changing palliative care and psychosocial support.

In Kenya, 95% of children living with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness cannot access the palliative care that could drastically improve their quality of life. We believe that no child should ever have to suffer from avoidable pain and emotional distress. Using funds raised in the UK, we will work with three trusted partners in Kenya to change this.

Children attending a supportive care workshop in Meru

Working in Siaya, Meru and Kajiado counties, we will train paediatric and oncology doctors to manage child pain correctly. We will train community health promoters to meet the every-day needs of children and support families with the emotional challenges of living with life-limiting illness. We’ll run workshops for children and their families for psychosocial and peer support. Home visits from hospice nurses will provide quality child palliative care, pain relief and support the whole family to make the most of every moment with their child.

Many children living with palliative care needs experience stigma and exclusion, but we intend to change this. We will reach teachers, school children and community leaders with positive messages around children with life-limiting illness and disability, creating a more supportive and inclusive environment in which these children can thrive.

To see this project through, and bring this vital work to even more areas of Kenya, we need to raise more funds.

Please donate today and help us make every child count.

Just £5 buys crayons, paper or books for play therapy

£10 buys medicines and supplies needed for a home visit to a child

£20 trains a doctor to correctly manage pain in children

Every child counts – changing the lives of children living with life-limiting illness
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