We produce our newsletter twice a year, during summer and winter and they are available to download or read online as PDF documents.

Please click an image of a newsletter below to read your very own copy.

Summer 2024

Winter 2023

Winter 2022

Summer 2022

Winter 2021

Annual review of 2020/21

Summer 2021

Winter 2020

Summer 2020

Winter 2019

Our highlights and achievements of 2018-19

Summer 2019

Winter 2018

Summer 2018

Winter 2017

Summer 2017

Winter 2016

Winter 2016

Summer 2016


Features include:

  • Partnerships Update
  • Focus on Community Health Volunteers
  • Report from Laikipia Palliative Care Centre
  • How Machakos is using HCK funds to make a difference

Winter 2015


Features include:

  • Report on our trip to Kenya
  • Welcome to our new Chair of Trustees
  • Ways to work with us throughout the year

Summer 2015

summer 2015 newsletter

Features include:

  • Community working in Kenya
  • Hospice Care Kenya Grants Programme
  • Grants Awarded 2014—2015
  • Laikipia and Embu Mbeere Talk About How They Are Using Our Grant