This hero story focuses on a Hospice Care Kenya trustee – Sharon Maweu. As a Kenyan, Sharon offer HCK valuable insight into Kenyan culture and contexts, as well as her valuable experience in the humanitarian sector.

“As one of HCK’s newer trustees, I feel privileged to be part of a team that provides compassionate care and support to those in need. My journey with HCK began while I was finalising my master’s dissertation at the University of Westminster, three years ago! My desire was simple – to make a positive impact in the lives of people facing tough times back in my country, especially cancer patients receiving palliative care. My background, working in South Sudan managing nutrition projects and in one of Kenya’s major hospitals as a dietician, made me deeply value the importance of comprehensive care for individuals with life-limiting illnesses.
“I took part in HCK’s recent monitoring visit to Kenya where I saw the challenges patients and carers face; lack of access to essential pain management drugs and affordability of wound dressing kits, in addition to long distances travelled to health centres for check-ups. The amazing work HCK does through our partners, the commitment of the hospice staff, the strength of the patients, and the incredible community support left a lasting mark on me. It reinforced my belief in the impact of our work, and I returned more motivated to continue supporting HCK’s vital mission. As we think about the influence of HCK and the enduring legacy of its supporters, I urge everyone to think about leaving a gift to ensure that this crucial work can continue for years to come.
“A special call out to fellow Kenyans based here in the UK, we can create a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most. Asante!”
Hospice Care Kenya would not have achieved what it has without the committed support that so many of you have given us. Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most valuable ways you can help our vital work continue making a difference into the future. If you would like more information on leaving a gift in your will please get in touch or visit our legacy giving page here.