“Can you imagine, even in her sick bed she still refers patients to us…” Nurse Gladys from Meru Hospice tells us, “…she is such a darling.”

Gladys is speaking about Purity, a patient who first registered at Meru Hospice in 2005 after an HIV diagnosis.

Purity in her home, together with nurses from Meru Hospice.

Gladys is speaking about Purity, a patient who first registered at Meru Hospice in 2005 after an HIV diagnosis. With support to take regular medication, Purity was able to maintain good health and went on to train as a community health volunteer with Meru Hospice. Despite her condition she has given her time to help others for over 15 years, referring people with symptoms from her community and providing home-based care. But two years ago, Purity’s health deteriorated, and she was diagnosed was sarcoma, a cancer that resulted in her having both legs amputated to prevent its spread. Purity is now herself largely confined to her home but nurses from Meru Hospice are there to support, love and care for her.

Please help us to support both people like Purity living with life-limiting illness in Kenya and the nurses and volunteers that dedicate their lives to helping them. Just £15 pays for a home visit to provide vital patient care. Please donate here. Thank you.

Purity’s story
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