Grant Making Policy
The HCK Trust Deed allows Hospice Care Kenya to collect, hold and spend money for the benefit of residents in Kenya directed towards:
- The treatment, care and counselling of persons who are terminally ill with cancer or some other incurable disease;
- The education and training of those responsible for such treatment, care and counselling;
- The maintenance, improvement and extension of hospices in Nairobi and at other places in Kenya.
The emphasis of Hospice Care Kenya is to provide funding for activities which develop and deliver, in the widest sense, the scope and long term provision of palliative care services throughout Kenya.
Our objective over the next five years is to support the development and delivery of palliative care through community or outreach services.
Within the limits of resources we operate an equal opportunities policy towards our grants which ensures that they are:
- available to all who need them
- available and accessible in all parts of Kenya;
- appropriate for those for whom they are intended.
Within this overarching policy we will operate the following criteria for grant applications over the next five years:
- All applicants must be affiliated to KEHPCA.
- All partner organisations must have in place and make available robust policies for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
- The maximum grant will be 1,100,000 KSH
- The maximum grant for an organisation applying for the first time will be 365,000 KSH
- The development of new organisations will be actively encouraged by viewing positively applications from new organisations
- The funding will only normally be for one year
- The grant must be spent within a year and any interest earned on HCK funds or underspends is restricted to spending on HCK agreed projects with prior permission
- The maximum funding for a vehicle will be 50% of the vehicle cost
- An organisation can apply in successive years providing the application meets the criteria and all conditions on previous grants including compliance with monitoring reporting have been achieved
- More than one grant per year will be considered providing the application meets the criteria and all conditions on previous grants including compliance with monitoring reporting have been achieved
We will not accept grant applications:
- From individuals
- For the same project unless this is a development or enhancement
- For bed based fixed facilities
Requests to vary the terms of the grant or to spend underspends on other elements need to be made to HCK.
Failure to comply with any of the conditions of offer will jeopardise future grant applications.